Engaging Web Site
Design is living with a foot in two worlds - the world of technology and the world of people and human purposes - and you try to bring the two together.

Web design instantly communicates a feeling about who you are
A smartweb design is focused on retention and engagement. They both happen simultaneously – you have less than 30 seconds to retain someone on your site. We make those 30 seconds count.
Web design reflects who are you are today, your target market, and where you are headed. Our design strategy is guided by our overall strategy plan for your site.
Web Design Strategy
- Target audience – we consider who your target audience is, and what services you are offering. Safe to say that a kids party company would have a different look and feel compared to a legal firm.
- Competitors – you want to raise the bar compared to your competitors – to stand out, to have a visual look that is distinctive, and also carries over to your other marketing elements, including Google Adwords remarketing – to make your brand stand out and be visually distinctive.
- Reflect your branding – your web site might be part of an overall rebranding exercise, but either way, the design must be integrated with and reflect your overall brand.
- Mobile — every web site build today should be “responsive”, which means that it adjusts to look great on any device used to view it. Think of the sites you’ve found on Google using your smartphone and immediately left because it was designed only for a desktop (so 2000’s!). So unreadable.
- Trends – things change. Your design should reflect that your organization is a living, breathing, evolving entity. Part of that is accomplished by ensuring your design is “with the times”.
But before we build anything, we like to start with gathering your requirements.
Based on what we discover, and what you require, there are 3 options:
Custom Development
With custom development we start from scratch. Custom development involves more effort than the two other options, and ergo the investment is the highest. But, you’ll get exactly what you want – a one of a kind solution.
Use an Existing WordPress Plugin, Joomla Extension, or Drupal Module
This is the most cost-effective approach if your requirements can be met by a pre-existing too. There are tens of thousands of plugins and extensions available across the top CMS platforms. We try to find solutions that meet our client requirements, as these products are also continually developed and supported by their developers at no future cost to you.
Customize a WordPress Plugin, Joomla Extension, or Drupal Module
Sometimes a plugin or extension meets most of your needs, but there may be special features you’d like to see included. With OpenSource solutions, we can modify the code to add new features, or tweak existing ones.